Thursday, August 5, 2010

Facebook: Friend or Foe??

Facebook is getting more and more popular everyday. Over the last year, that's all I heard about. Everyone has one, whether it's a business, friend, or family member. It's crazy. People I haven't heard from since high school, friends I haven't seen in the longest time, I can now keep in touch with through facebook. To me, it's so much easier than email or messenger. If I wanted to talk to them, I could just send them a quick hello through the facebook chat or in their inbox if they aren't online.

But is Facebook really that great? I don't post my address, or my phone number. But many of my friends have their phone number listed under their profile or constantly post their number whenever they make a wall post. I've heard so many horror stories about facebook recently in the news. One women lost her job over a facebook post and another one found out about her husband's second wedding.

It's crazy to think that facebook can destroy lives, but it's true. One minute you post a rant about your job out of frustration, and the next day you're fired. Crazy! In my case, facebook hasn't really affected me, but it has caused a feud between my family. Anytime a member of the family unfriends them, they get so upset they act like it's the end of the world. We see them everyday, so maybe we don't want them on our friends list, whats the big deal? If someone took me off their friends list, I bet I wouldn't even notice nor would I care.

I also don't like the fact that young kids are abusing the facebook world. They don't know any better. I believe you have to be thirteen to sign up for it in the first place. Honestly, anyone younger than that doesn't even need to be on the internet unless it was for school or something. They should be outside playing with their friends rather than talking to them through facebook. We are teaching our kids to be less social. Years from now, most kids won't be able to talk to people face to face or have many social skills because everything they do now is on the internet or texting on their phones (texting is another topic lol). It's depressing actually. My cousins talk to me by saying "OMG" or "LOL". I just wanna slap them, lol. Typing is one thing, but saying that to me makes it sound like you're an idiot. Sorry, but it's true. I told them if they wanna talk, we can, but no texting words :)

So, lets start a discussion lol. How has facebook affected your life?


SP said...

I like Facebook, but mainly for the games. It's the same reason I jump on the Internet bandwagon -- to play games and have fun. I can do without all the drama it brings though.

If someone screws me over, lies to me, or gets me in trouble, they don't deserve to be my friends on Facebook -- family included. However, apparently, I'm the most important thing to family members because God forbid I get upset and delete a family member from my friends list. It's like sending them straight to Hell, a Hell they never come back from.

News Flash! It's NOT the end of the world to be unfriended on Facebook. Shoot, man, I see you all the time anyway and we never chat via Facebook, so what's the big deal? The easy way to solve this. Don't do anything bad to me and I won't send you into the fiery abyss of Facebook Loser's Hell. Comprendez?